Cold Brew, HVAC, Rewriting Docs and BlueSky
Chris Gmyr (00:00)
Hey, welcome back to the slightly caffeinated podcast. I'm Chris Gmyr
TJ Miller (00:03)
I'm TJ Miller.
Chris Gmyr (00:05)
Hey TJ, so what's up in your world?
TJ Miller (00:07)
man, Chris, it's been, it's been a wild week. we, we, we don't need to get into politics, but, what a wild week. still, still, still feeling feels about everything, but, other than that, it's been, it's been a pretty good, pretty good go around the last few days. big, big couple things, from, I got another bag of artisan blend coffee.
Chris Gmyr (00:16)
Yeah, it's been.
TJ Miller (00:33)
and decided to cold brew it and gosh that's good it is it is a super smooth cold brew so highly recommend it we did a
Chris Gmyr (00:45)
Nice, which they have different blends, right? Which blend did you end up getting for the cold brew?
TJ Miller (00:48)
So I got the Artisan Blend. So another bag of the Laravel stuff. Super good. We did like a cold brew, cold steep. put the grounds in, like it's got a, I don't know, it's like a big like triangle glass container. So it kind of like flares, it's like small at the top, like about the size of like can of Coke and then like expands out from there. So you can kind of think of like a big beaker.
big triangle, like pyramid style beaker. And then in the middle you put like, it's got this metal cylinder and it's all perforated and everything. And you fill it with grounds and put cold water through it and you just let it steep in cold water. So it's like cold brew through and through. So you don't get it. It's like, it's basically like a big thing of concentrate. So you basically do like a 50 50 and then depending on like, we leave the grounds in there. So like, as it gets lower, it gets stronger, the longer it steeps.
Chris Gmyr (01:47)
TJ Miller (01:48)
So it was, I figured it would be good, which is why I did it, but it ended up being really good. So, highly recommend the cold brew version of it. And then I've just been jamming on Prism. I think the last few days have been hunkered down working on docs. So I decided to rewrite all the docs from scratch. It wasn't me necessarily rewriting them. had.
I had Claude rewrite all the docs and give me some recommendations on reorganizing them and went ahead and did that. So I basically have Claude go through and generate all the docs. And then I go back through them like page by page and edit and add stuff. So it's a pretty, pretty clean workflow, but I had to introduce, provider specific pages because now I've got provider specific features. So for open AI.
We started supporting strict mode for tool schemas. And so it's like, I had to start breaking it out. And so it ended up working out great because now I've got like feature specific stuff for things like open AI. And then I also added in like limitations and considerations for different models. So for Olamma, you run it on your local machine, depending on your hardware, those requests tend to time out because it's just slower, slower completion times.
so it's like, Hey, consider extending the timeout. Here's the method to do that. And then just like limitations for each model. So I think it ended up turning out even better than I expected when I started on the process. So, those got launched in. But man, it writing good documentation is hard. I'm I have a new found respect for, for Taylor and team and the Laravel docs.
Chris Gmyr (03:36)
Yeah, I was going to say, you pulled a tailor redoing all the docs before launch. I know he usually revises those yearly, I think, or at least he used to. So yeah, docs are hard to write. It's hard to write them well the first time, and then it's probably even more of a painful job to redo them every so often.
TJ Miller (03:57)
Yeah, it's just, start forgetting stuff, especially when we got to the provider specific pages. It's like, I forgot, like what were the limitations of this model? Like there's definitely limitations, but I forgot, you know, what I did. So I had to go back digging through the code. And I think that just that, that made it so obvious to me that I need to kind of take a bit of advice from Taylor and go a little bit more like almost docs first.
Since that's kind how I'm developing everything anyway, is it starts with, you know, like a scratch file and just kind of massaging the API until it feels good. You might as well just write the docs for it and then you can go ahead with the implementation and then go back and touch up the docs based on like how things shook out. But one big change that I got to make to it is I'm going to end up pulling the great now there's prism and then there's prism docs. As far as repos go, I think I'm going to pull.
the docs into the actual package repo. That way it makes it a lot more obvious and straightforward for like writing a feature, writing the code, and then writing the docs like all in the same pull request and kind of encouraging that to happen is like people contribute to. So, and it's all like, it's.
Chris Gmyr (05:14)
Yeah, I like that idea a lot.
TJ Miller (05:18)
VitePress, or I still don't know how to pronounce it, Vite or Vite. I don't know. But it's VitePress, so it's just like static markdown files. So I think it'll work well in the package, too. Being able to just distribute a bunch of markdown makes sense.
Chris Gmyr (05:33)
Yeah, totally. And I like the mention about limitations. I've always appreciated either going to app services, API docs, whatever, and having those either known issues or limitations, like plain as day, in the docs of like, you can't do this, or you have to go through this way to do x sort of thing. So I think even if those
like pending or like limitations right now in the docs and the package were out there and available and not like in your code or in your head. I think that'd be like beneficial for readers to look through that too and know kind of like, hey, this doesn't work as expected like right now or maybe this provider doesn't work for this specific feature. Having those like spelled out.
more explicitly in the docs I think would be really beneficial.
TJ Miller (06:32)
Yeah, it's like, for example, OpenAI supports sending images as like base64 or image URL. so, Claude, like Anthropix models, don't support image URL at all. So just kind of making that note in Anthropix page of like, hey, this doesn't support this type of image being passed. It just kind of heads you off a little bit before you hit an exception, hopefully.
You know, it also gives me a place to be able to like put little side notes in other parts of the documentation of like, hey, this is, you know, go make sure you check out your provider specific documentation when it comes to X feature, because not everybody treats things the same way. As much as I want this project to be like a universal interface, at the end of the day, there's still like, I can't make...
you know, universal over everybody. So I handle, handle those limitations as best as I can with, you know, the abstractions, but you know, sometimes you just can't, can't make it happen or play nice between them. And then from there, man, I'm just working on like test utilities. Now I want to make it really easy for people to test their integrations. So that's, that's the next piece, but enough for my world, man. What's, what's new in your world?
Chris Gmyr (07:55)
again, had some time off, had an extended long weekend between Friday and Tuesday. Being off, my wife and son went down to Florida to visit some family. So I was here with my daughter and just kind of hung out, chilled in the house for a couple days, like when I outside, played, did lots of like play dough and playing blocks. And we went to the library for story time and did a couple things like that.
just kind of hung out with her and then just kind of getting back on board to work and doing some project work on the side. And besides that, just going through all the house projects. We've had some HPAC issues recently. going through and getting quotes from people in multiple companies and just kind of going through the process for that and gearing up to drop a whole bunch of money on.
TJ Miller (08:35)
Chris Gmyr (08:48)
doing some HVAC work, which is not the most pretty work to do. It's beneficial, like the air will be better, the quality will be better, the equipment will be better, but still dropping a bunch of money on stuff that you can't really see or you do kind of benefit but not actively benefit in or visually see is a lot harder to chew than, I don't know.
redoing like a living room or like a kitchen or you know your master bathroom or something like that. So it is what it is. We got to do it. So get some news with that in the next couple weeks or so because it'll be quite a big project to do that.
TJ Miller (09:30)
I feel like there's no middle ground with HVAC stuff. You're either like in for a penny or in for a pound. Like there's just, you know, I've had people come out for the HVAC and they're like, it's just this wire. Like we'll replace this wire and you're good to go. Or, you know, just like a couple little things, or, you know, my last one was, yeah, let's just replace the whole unit. So, you know.
Chris Gmyr (09:51)
Yeah, yeah, we're at the place that we have to replace everything, basically, because we had someone come out do some diagnostics because the heat wasn't working when it got a little chilly and had them come out. And we have two units. We have an upstairs system and a downstairs system. That's typically how they do it in southern states to have the split tiered system. And this house.
TJ Miller (10:05)
Chris Gmyr (10:17)
was built in 85. We moved in in 2020 and all the equipment is from 2001 to 2008. So very much end of life. we kind of knew that we got, you know, the home inspection, you know, when we moved in and kind of knew that and kind of knew that our time was limited. But, you know, here we are having to now pay the price of that. And basically,
TJ Miller (10:39)
Chris Gmyr (10:44)
Just the guy's recommendation was, hey, there's stuff that's super old. There's stuff that's cracked. There's stuff that's not working. A lot of our duct work is all messed up. So they're going to have to replace all that too. So it's basically like an entire system, refresh and new duct work and all that stuff for both systems, which really sucks. it's going to be. Yeah.
TJ Miller (11:05)
It's the duct work. Yeah, that's like when we had our work done, it was, we just replaced the indoor and outdoor unit. So like the condenser for the AC and then like the furnace and distribution system, but we didn't have to get into any of the duct work. I can't imagine how nasty that would be like having to tear through stuff to replace pieces and no thanks.
Chris Gmyr (11:27)
Yeah, and luckily they can do probably about 90 % of the current duct work through the attic or crawl space. There's only a very small section that they can't. And we're not going to have them bust open drywall or anything like that, because then it makes the project even bigger. But it's only a one small section to get to one specific room. But they can get to other sections on either side of it.
is just like a center section over a very slim hallway. There isn't much access to it. So you're like, that's fine. We're just going to cut it out both ends and just replace what we can on either end and do as much as we can, but not through any walls or anything like that. But 95 % of the system is going to be replaced for the Duckworks. yeah, it'll be a project over the next few months. And scheduling that and getting inventory and
TJ Miller (11:59)
Hmm. Yep.
Chris Gmyr (12:25)
all that and also trying to go around work schedules and nap times and all that. So it might be a rough few weeks.
TJ Miller (12:30)
Yeah. I mean, Hey, that'll be really nice to have super clean ducts. Like that's one thing that, especially with all the animals, that's one thing that I still really want to do that we didn't do was get the duct work like completely cleaned out. And I don't know, there's something just to be said about having fresh air in your environment.
Chris Gmyr (12:52)
Yeah, that is really beneficial. one of the other things, given that it's going to be like all new systems, is that they have UV filters for the furnaces that kill all the bacteria and growth within the coils and all that. So those are like two upgrades that we opted into for both systems that it could keep the growth and mold and kind of issues with that.
TJ Miller (13:02)
Chris Gmyr (13:20)
at bay for as long as possible. Like you're always going to get some sort of growth in there long term, especially when you're talking like 20 years, but anything that we can do to keep that at bay for longer. And then, you know, you don't have to do like your duck cleaning work as much, you know, after that. So.
TJ Miller (13:39)
Nice, man. One thing I wish we would have gotten with our system was an in-unit humidifier for the winter so we don't get so dried out. didn't get that. We'll see.
Chris Gmyr (13:52)
Yeah, when I replaced our system back up in Syracuse, a very similar climate to what you guys are in right now, I did get the humidifier. And it was definitely nice within the winter, because it just added a little bit more of that humidity. You didn't need in-room humidifiers, or just felt dried out all the time. But it's just like another.
TJ Miller (14:01)
Chris Gmyr (14:17)
the thing to clean the filter on. It's another thing to maintain because the water is going in and out of it. And it could cause other issues. I don't know. For the little amount of work that added onto it, I don't know. Just the quality was just a little bit better. We're not going to worry about getting the humidifier in this one because they only recommend getting it in the lower unit because you don't really want it.
water going up in your attic and a leak or a spill can now affect all of your levels. So they're like, well, we only typically put them in the lower unit, but none of the bedrooms are down there. And that's typically what we want for the humidity. So it's like, we'll just keep the in-room units. We have all individual units per bedroom, which does a really good job. So it's like, we'll just save the money and not do any humidifier because it's useless when none of the bedrooms are downstairs. So save a little bit.
TJ Miller (14:50)
Yeah, no.
Yep, that'll be a purchase here pretty soon is getting humidifiers for the rooms. It's not something we've ever done, but I'm at it getting like dried out all winter.
Chris Gmyr (15:15)
It's just.
Yeah, we tried a couple of different ones over a couple of houses in a few years. And the ones that we landed on right now, I don't know the, I'd have to look it up in our Amazon purchases, but I'll put a link in the show notes. But you don't need to have like any sort of filtered water or anything else like that. Like some of the ultrasonic ones, you do need filtered or distilled water, which is kind of a pain, especially if you have multiple units.
TJ Miller (15:53)
Chris Gmyr (15:54)
So the ones that we landed on right now that we use in, we have them in four rooms, you just use regular tap water. And it has a reusable filter that you can just wash out or just simply replace. And that's all you need to do. You turn it on, it's good to go, and you just replace regular tap water when it runs out. So depending on how dry it is, you'd only have to do it once a week, maybe, maybe twice.
I'll add the link in show notes and also send it to you and you guys can check that out.
TJ Miller (16:22)
Yeah, that's sick. One of the first things we did when we moved in here was I installed a reverse osmosis, like water filter system under my sink so that I can have like, you know, good water at any point in time. So that's made life like super convenient for those situations where it's like, you need filtered water. I'm like, yeah, no problem. God, tons, you know? So.
Chris Gmyr (16:44)
Yeah, we definitely talked about the reverse osmosis or mineral-based waters or whole house water systems. Because the water here is super hard, it gets caked on everything and just makes your skin dry and itchy and just not good to drink. We have a decent filter in the refrigerator, but it's not the best that you can get. And it's definitely not a reverse osmosis filter.
TJ Miller (16:54)
Chris Gmyr (17:09)
So that's something you definitely like on a radar is the water situation. But that's, again, a future project at some.
TJ Miller (17:16)
Yeah. Yeah, ours just sits under our sink. It's not too crazy. I mean, it definitely made it like a bit cramped in there, but it's just like the whole unit sits in there. And then we got a like re-mineralizer add-on. like it, you like through the reverse osmosis process, like strips all that stuff out, but then this like adds back in the stuff that like the good stuff, which is, I don't know. I dig it. It's that was like, that was like, I think one of our first.
Chris Gmyr (17:37)
TJ Miller (17:44)
purchases in the home. So it was a big, big upgrade.
Chris Gmyr (17:49)
Nice. That's awesome. Definitely jealous of that. And yeah, it's awesome that you added the minerals back into there because just the reverse osmosis water is fine. Same thing with filtered water. But if you filter everything out of it, you're also filtering the potential good stuff out of there too, especially minerals. So it's good that you have the additive on there to put those back in there because the water is going to
TJ Miller (18:10)
Chris Gmyr (18:19)
be able to be absorbed in your body so much better and more useful than just plain, completely filtered water.
TJ Miller (18:28)
You know, and I wish like we would have like, I wish I could say that that was like planned out, but the remineralizing part was on sale. And so we just decided to get it anyways.
Chris Gmyr (18:37)
It was good that it worked out that way.
TJ Miller (18:39)
Yeah, no, it's cool. It's cool. So moving on a little bit, we may have a new schedule for the podcast.
Chris Gmyr (18:47)
Yeah, saw this from Joel Claremont. They do the Mastering Laravel site and Joel does daily Laravel tips on his blog and newsletter, which are awesome. If you haven't signed up for that, definitely check that out. But he mentioned on Blue Sky that they were going to do a different posting schedule. So I know before
a lot of analytics and info came out as like, Tuesdays are the best day to post your podcast because those are when the most listeners are out active and download it for the week. And it just seems like everyone is just posting on Tuesdays. They post on Tuesdays. We post on Tuesdays. They listen to a bunch of podcasts like the majority of places post on Tuesdays. And the beginning of the week is super overwhelming with all the podcasts that drop.
and have to be a little choosy sometimes of which ones that I pay attention to and listen to. But he was like, we're just going to run an experiment and start posting on Saturdays or over the weekend. And I was thinking about that the other night too. I was like, I wonder if we should change up the schedule a little bit and try over the weekend. Maybe we'll get some additional listeners. Maybe we'll get some other action on the podcast.
But yeah, just kind of seeing how it plays out. Like, I think we've been doing OK for Tuesdays for a newer podcast and recording on Thursdays, but maybe doing like a Tuesday, Thursday recording and dropping over the weekend, Saturday or Sunday. So yeah, what do you think about that?
TJ Miller (20:29)
I think it's a great idea. I love the content that Joel puts out and, know, I, I got into their Slack community, which is, which is pretty popping. but yeah, I think I saw that post too, and it, it made me think about it. And I think that I, by the end of the week, like, I definitely feel a little bit starved for podcasts going into the weekend. And that's what I'm like out doing stuff, right? Like at a gutter, mostly fall off in my garage.
And I had no podcast to listen to you while putting that back up. And it was a real bummer. So like, I'm always like doing stuff around the house or going out shopping and doing groceries and stuff on the weekend. like, that's when I'm, that's when I'm really getting my podcast time in. So I think that's a pretty smart idea and I'm totally down for it.
Chris Gmyr (21:00)
Yeah, totally. So we'll try it. We might have to adjust some recording days and times and make sure we have enough time to do the quick edit. I don't do a lot of editing on the podcast, but just give it a quick sweep to make sure everything sounds decent enough to push out. But give us a little time to get that out within a day or two notice and kind of go from there. Yeah, and see just how it works out and where it goes.
TJ Miller (21:43)
Yeah, speaking of seeing stuff on Blue Sky, if you've been not on socials, there's been finally a bit of an exodus from Twitter and X over to Blue Sky, at least by a chunk of the Laravel community. And gosh, that's been refreshing. Like I've been on Blue Sky since it dropped and...
I've loved it, but it's always been very lonely over there. So it's been so nice to see people on there. What have I know you're on it? What what have you think thought so far?
Chris Gmyr (22:18)
Yeah, I think it's really good. It's super smooth, real nice community, it seems like. lot of, like you said, the Laravel people and tech people have transitioned over there. A lot of people are canceling their either premium X subscription or just canceling their account outright and moving over to Blue Sky. I really love their starter packs. So it's basically like you generated lists that you can see.
TJ Miller (22:41)
so cool.
Chris Gmyr (22:46)
everyone attach to them and you can follow everyone on there. So Justin Jackson has a starter pack for Laravel friends and he added a ton of people on there. And basically if you're new to Blue Sky, you can go to that starter pack that Justin made and we'll have a link for it down below too. But you can basically subscribe to everyone on there or like just scroll through the list individually.
There's been a bunch of people who have made these starter packs, and I think it makes the onboarding experience so much better. It gives you a few links to new people that you might have followed on X or maybe Instagram or some other social platform. And it's like, I can immediately connect to them, see what starter packs they have. Let me follow everyone who they maybe recommend and get your network up and running very quickly, which it's
TJ Miller (23:38)
Yeah, it's.
Chris Gmyr (23:38)
very different from the Mastodon experience where you have to, I feel like, work very hard to find other people to follow. And the experience hasn't been great over there, where these starter packs and just the UI and the feel of blue sky and then the influx of community now makes that, I don't know, more of a winner and priority in my mind. So I've been really enjoying it.
TJ Miller (23:47)
Chris Gmyr (24:08)
Over the last couple weeks for sure.
TJ Miller (24:10)
It feels really like early days of Twitter, an actual sense of community. It feels like people have been a lot less branded and a lot more personal there, which has been a really nice change of pace. Like the app's great. I'm pretty sure it's like a React native app. It's super snappy. The starter packs are super cool. and yeah, big shout out to Justin Jackson for putting together that Laravel friends one. You know, they've got with.
With the starter packs, it's one click follow all, or you can kind of go through and piece mail stuff, but he's been keeping that super up to date as people have started creating accounts and coming on over. I know like West Boss is on there now and he's been super active and doing some cool stuff with it. I think there's, I think there's some cool stuff with feeds too. I haven't dug too far into it, but I've seen some people doing some interesting stuff with feeds. Like I haven't really looked too closely at.
how to do that. I'm wanting to, I think it looks super interesting. So I wanted to dig at the app protocol a little more and learn about what the platform can do. it's been a really nice space for social interaction, but the platform itself is really pretty nice. Not having ads is great. I wasn't willing to go all the way paying for ad-free over on Twitter.
Yeah, it's been a good transition. I'm really digging it.
Chris Gmyr (25:36)
Yeah, I like it a lot too. I looked into the feeds a little bit and you can basically do like easy feeds so you can create your own list and make a feed out of that. like our cash money list is basically a feed so that comes up as a tab on my homepage and anyone can really add that to their feed and homepage as well. But then if you want anything very specific, like you can eject into your own
script and almost like they have this like feed query language and you have to believe you have to like host it yourself somewhere and then you can basically do like anything that you want you can say like hey I want like either these followers and loop in these hashtags or filters or whatever you want to do like you can get like really crazy with it and then bring that into your home feed and have things like that
And what's also really cool is that you can have your content self-hosted as well. So if you don't want your content and posts to be stored in the Blue Sky ecosystem or server, you can opt to self-host that in your own box. And Blue Sky is also open source. So even if you wanted to tinker with the app and the service in general, you can pull that down. And I think you just run like npm dev or
one or two commands and you have a local blue sky set up and you can do pull requests and feature updates and bug fixes and anything that you want. It's all open source, which I think is really awesome too.
TJ Miller (27:11)
The one thing that they're definitely missing that I've been lacking because I'm sloppy, I've been missing the edit button. Having that real quick edit of like, I just grammatically messed that up or that sounds awkward, let me fix it real quick. After typing it all out or definitely catching myself spelling everything wrong. If we could get that, I like how Twitter did it. You post something, you got an hour.
Chris Gmyr (27:31)
TJ Miller (27:36)
You got an hour to edit it and then it's locked in. That'd be a great feature. I know we can make pull requests, but I don't think I have the bandwidth to do that.
Chris Gmyr (27:45)
Well, you have to make a little Prism app to learn about the Blue Sky repo and then have that generate a pull request.
TJ Miller (27:57)
I should. mean, I was using Claude through Prism to write the Prism docs. I was using Prism to build Prism multiple times now. So yeah, why not get Prism to build Blue Sky?
Chris Gmyr (28:08)
Yeah, I think the edit functionality would be huge. I'm also missing bookmarking or private saves because you can like and you can get to that on your profile. But it's also shared publicly, which things that you like. So I want almost like a save or a bookmark or read later or just
TJ Miller (28:17)
Chris Gmyr (28:37)
something more private that I can just save for myself or something like that not have to link it inside another application like a to-do list or something like that. So I think that's all probably coming down the line. And I think the influx of new users will help push those features to the top of the list, especially with more people and bigger, I guess, ex-celebrities going.
TJ Miller (29:01)
Chris Gmyr (29:02)
the blue sky platform and kind of requesting these things.
TJ Miller (29:05)
Yeah. And I mean, it's, it's cool having an influx of technical people coming in too, cause it's definitely a bunch of people that have the capacity and all that capacity. have the ability to make these features too, you know, so it could be somebody like hacking it on the weekend, puts together some of these missing features. Yeah. I can't say.
I've only maybe ever bookmarked like three tweets and those were bookmarked because I thought they would be like interesting use cases for Prism. So someone would like talk about doing something with like chat GBT. I'm like, that would be an interesting use case for, you know, building something in Prism is like either an example or just like, you know, something for the docs. yeah, I can't say I've ever used the bookmarking feature too much though.
Chris Gmyr (29:53)
Yeah. Yeah, it's nice because you can also have integrations for Bookmarks too in X or Twitter. So I use Readwise for a lot of the collection of highlights and saves and read for later type things. So I have the integration set up for Twitter between that and Readwise. So if I either bookmark something or send a private DM to the Readwise app,
TJ Miller (29:53)
Maybe I've been missing out.
Chris Gmyr (30:22)
with a link or, you know, share a tweet with Readwise via a DM, it automatically goes to my Readwise account and can resurface it later. And also that gets propagated to my private Notion and also into Obsidian too. So it makes things like searchable and usable in the future too. So if I say, if I bookmark or center Readwise, hey, here's this new cool thing and
TJ Miller (30:39)
That's very cool.
Chris Gmyr (30:50)
Prism and here's the API to use it. And I think that's going to be useful to me. Like I'll just save it for myself. Those will propagate through all the systems and then be safer later. And I can search for that as well. So when I like realized that I need that, you know, in another two weeks or a month or six months be like, yeah, that was a tweet from. Or blue sky mentioned from TJ about Prism about like XYZ. Like I can now search in multiple systems or just then read wise to.
find that and resurface it and then revisit it. So it's been really helpful to resurface this information that you think might be helpful in the future, but maybe you don't have a real strong need for it right now. So yeah, it's definitely very helpful. So I'd like to see that and also get a read-wise integration with Blue Sky, which I'm not sure if they have yet. I'll have to check that out, but that would be pretty sweet too.
TJ Miller (31:44)
That'd be pretty cool, man. That's a really cool workflow. I've always found with these like read later type services, I've tried them on and off for years and I just end up becoming a digital hoarder. There's tons of stuff in there that I never revisit or go and read and it just keeps growing and growing. The one thing I really do like about Readwise specifically is that it's functionality of resurfacing stuff to you. So I think that's...
that's the only one that I would maybe give a second shot to you because there's, actual mechanics built into it to like resurface stuff to you over time rather than relying on you, like going back and going through it or jogging your memory of some sort. that seems pretty cool, man.
Chris Gmyr (32:32)
Yeah, I really like Readwise. And that's actually a topic for some other day is how I use that in kind of content ingestion and management. And Readwise is a great application. And also Pingfort enables you to use their Readwise reader, which is a replacement for like Feedly and like the Google reader and RSS channels.
a whole bunch of other things too. So you can like read anything later. It's like basically a full replacement for a Feedly or Google reader and it's the paper pocket, you know, anything like that is all to this like reader app, which is super cool. I love it.
TJ Miller (33:11)
Yeah, man, maybe we'll prioritize that for next week. I'd love to hear more about this and then I can add like two cents in on stuff that I've tried in the past. I really don't do anything now. Like I've, I've pared down to the most simple form of all of this that I can do because yeah, definitely a hoarder when it comes to using this stuff. So I've just kind of stay away. So yeah, maybe we can talk about that next week. That sounds cool.
Chris Gmyr (33:37)
Yeah, for sure. So I know we're getting a little long on time, but one thing that I wanted to mention before we wrap it up is I created a SuggestGG page. And this is a service where anyone can come in and create a page for yourself and work out in the public. So a lot of people who are streaming or doing work
on the public can say, hey, I'm working on this feature or this open source project and request these features or request a topic for a podcast. And this was made by Andrew Shmelian. Hopefully I got his name right. But he's a person in the Laravel ecosystem. SuggestGT is a Laravel application.
And we have a profile on there now, so it's a little bit easier to jump on and make content suggestions. Or I don't know, maybe we'll put some content ideas on here that people can vote for. But again, we'll have the link in the show notes below, but it's just suggest.dd slash slightly calf. And again, that will be in the link list below. So if you have any suggestions or feedback or anything that you want to talk to, I think this might be our new.
go to a system for that and kind of make it a little bit easier for people. do think?
TJ Miller (35:00)
No, I think this is a great idea. I've, I've looked at suggest before. I've actually almost suggested that we use it at one point. I had no idea it was a Laravel app. That is even cooler. yeah, man, I'm totally for it. I think this is a great way instead of like asking people to reach out on socials or, you know, trying to like email or anything like that. I think this is a great place to just be able to send people to like, Hey,
Like here's some ideas that we maybe have you can vote on or add your own. think this is really cool.
Chris Gmyr (35:31)
Yeah, totally. So thank you, Andrew, for building the platform. yeah, hopefully we'll get a handful of people suggesting some topics or voting on things that we add to it. So we'll definitely have that up before this episode goes live.
TJ Miller (35:49)
Yeah, sick man.
Chris Gmyr (35:50)
Sweet. yeah, I want to wrap up.
TJ Miller (35:53)
Yeah, let's wrap it up.
Chris Gmyr (35:54)
Cool. So thanks for listening to the Slightly Caffeinated podcast. Show notes and all of the links, including social channels are down below and also available at Thank you for listening and we'll catch you all next week. Thanks, TJ.
TJ Miller (36:09)
See ya.
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